It brings me no greater JOY than to share the treasure of God's love. I realize there is no greater need than for people to find hope. This site is dedicated to all of those seeking love, hope, encouragement, comfort and peace. It is my heart's desire that as you journey through these pages you will discover a place which will strengthen your faith and allow you to grow closer to God. May God be pleased with your time on the 'net.


They called HIM JESUS;
HE Came to love, heal and forgive;
HE lived and died
To buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there
To prove my Savior lives.

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow;
Because HE lives
All fear is gone;
Because I know
HE holds the future,
And life is worth the living
just because HE lives.

                                                Words & Music by: Bill Gaither

I have learned the secret of JOY!

My joy and celebration is real because Jesus is real. 

I want you to experience the same joy I feel every day as God fills my life with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Know the Scriptures & the power of God. 

J. - Jesus must come first in your life.

O. - Others next.

Y. - You must be last. "Giving" and unselfish people know true joy.  We have all known people who have that special inner peace even when going through trials and sadness.  Selfish people are never content.


Map Index

Prayer Warrior's for Jesus Christ

We invite you to submit prayer requests. There are also links on this page to many other sites on the web that offer prayer ministry or teach on the subject of prayer. 

Celebrate Recovery provides you with a safe place 
to get real about your hurts, habits and hang-ups. 
You're invited to be a part of Celebrate Recovery! 

  Changing lives. The Breast Cancer 3-Day. Join us and go the distance in the fight against breast cancer. It's an incredibly special event. Thousands of women and men will unite in cities across the country and walk 60 miles over the course of three days. It's a weekend of hope, as we honor lives lost, celebrate survivors, promote breast cancer research, and help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it.

July 12th - 14th, 2002. Over a 3-day period, I walked 60 miles from Santa Clara to San Francisco for Breast Cancer awareness. Click on the "shoe" to read all about my journey.

My Testimony before the '02 walk

Ray Blackwell's Journey

How Well Do You Know God?

Christian Resource Directory

Designed to be a nice, neat "launching pad" for further exploration of Christian resources throughout the Internet.

Worthy Links - Christian Search Engine

Health & Disability Resources  

 Graphics, Greetings, Music, etc.

People often ask where I get my graphics, stationary backgrounds, greeting cards, music midis and assortment of web designs.

My Photos

Family, friends, people, places, things...

Christian Internet Code of Ethics
As a Christian who is active on the internet,
I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are:

  • I guard my online relationships

  • I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ

  • I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life

  • I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

For more information visit the
Christian Internet Code of Ethics home page.

Thank you for visiting Payseur's Place on the web. 

My pages, like my life, are a work in process.

My guest book is under construction however I'd like to know you were here.

Drop me an email and please come back and visit me soon!  

If you see anything here that infringes on any copyrights, please email me politely and I will either remove it immediately or give you full credit if you so wish. To my knowledge, all graphics used within this site are free to use for non-commercial graphics. It is not my intent to infringe on anyone's rights. Thanks!!

If you are looking for stuff like your horoscope, sick jokes, or porno garbage you will NOT find it here!
You will however find something much better - the love of Jesus Christ our Savior, what He has to offer you, and what He has done for me.

Date Last Modified: 27 December, 2009

© 2000-2009 Payseur's Place. All Rights Reserved.