Christian Resources

All for Jesus

"Web Evangelism Bulletin" says that: "Mike and Philip are two students who have put together a personal collection of Christian links within a wide range of topics. It's edgy, focused, and often stuff you have not seen before. They've done the spade work, so we can reap the benefit. Bookmark it now!"

Harvest Online





InTouch Ministries

Dr. Charles F. Stanley, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and founder of In Touch Ministries, demonstrates a keen awareness of people’s needs by providing practical biblical truths for everyday life. Modeling his ministry after the apostle Paul’s message to the Ephesians, Dr. Stanley believes that:

    " . . . Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus–the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love" (Acts 20:24 LB).

Mission Statement

The Presidential Prayer Team is a spiritual movement of the American people which is not affiliated with any political party or official. It gains no direction or support, official or unofficial, from the current administration, from any agency of the government or from any political party, so that it may be free and unencumbered to equally serve the prayer needs of all current and future leaders of our great nation.

For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith,

and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God....

Ephesians 2:8


The Garden of Friendship is comprised of members from all over the world coming together and sharing the gift of Friendship

Enjoy some "coffee" humor and follow some great links

The Lighthouse Movement - The Lighthouse strategy encourages Christians everywhere to shine the Light of Jesus Christ through praying, caring and sharing.