In the end, the size of a person's accomplishment can best be measured by the size of their heart.


Day 4

The Day After

Back home, Day Four and for several days following... was a struggle. Although, I thank God, I had no blisters, the results of the wear and tear I placed on my body surfaced. Over the next few days my leg muscles were so tight and weak that lifting my feet even a few inches really hurt. So swollen was my entire body... I had swelled up like a balloon! General soreness and stiffness like a Mack truck had run over me. My voice was a whisper (a blessing to those that know me, I'm sure). Considering how I was feeling, I was in pure amazement that I had actually completed the journey. There was that empty feeling too. I missed the camaraderie and the kindness and the love that was truly shared by so many strangers for 3-Days as we all ventured towards the same goal. The journey was not the stuff of our daily lives. It was taking time off from the usual to challenge yourself and to make a difference. Just being able to do the walk made you realize how much of a gift it is to be alive and healthy.

It took several days of rest and rehydration, (yes, I still balanced the Gatorade with the water), and I was back to normal (as normal as I can be!) physically. Emotionally, I will carry this experience for the rest of my life.

There really aren't words to describe what a totally awesome experience the Avon Breast Cancer 3 Day has been!! It was a most incredible journey -- one that I'm sure none of us will forget and one that has given us all beautiful memories for a lifetime! It was 3 days of personal physical challenge, laughter, tears, inspiration, kindness and above all standing in line to use the porta-potties (and even that was fun). Many said I inspired them, having cancer myself and taking on such a journey - one woman, struggling with climbing "Hell Hill", saw me with my walking stick and said, “I know if you can make it up this hill, I can, too.” Besides every soul who walked, I was inspired by the volunteers who policed our route, moved our gear, prepared our meals and enthusiastically cheered us on at the pit stops, and was totally blown away by the people who honked and cheered, turned on sprinklers for us, fed us Popsicles and ice water and painted signs of love and support. I really want to emphasize this: for everything I put into this experience, what I got in return is beyond calculation. It was immensely satisfying to see how far I could push myself. I was so touched by all the notes of encouragement I received from donors and the support from family and friends. I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of something so important and special. As for those 3 days of walking, well, I’d heard beforehand that it is a life-changing experience, and I guess that’s as close as you can get to describing it. Hopefully, I’ve managed to convey something of what it all meant to me on these pages.

I have already decided that I will walk again next year. If you ever have the opportunity to participate in one of these events, DO IT! It will be worth every ounce of effort you put into it.

For now... I'm planning my next challenge...  Paragliding in Hawaii...

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